Dedicated To Communities, Schools, Families And Fun!

From community kids events in the greater Joliet area to fun activities and resources, we want to serve and support. Our PDMKids page is chock-full-o fun to keep the fun going!

PDM Community & Kids Events - Joliet Area


Visit the Forest Preserves

Family recreation at a Forest Preserve near you.   What To Do     Where To Go     Events

All year long. Rain, shine, snow. Biking, birding, trails, accessibility, dog park, fish, picnic, play

Will County, IL


Visit Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie

Wildflowers, birds, bison, trails. Nearly 9,000 acres open to the public with 33 miles of trail for hiking, biking and horseback riding.  Midewin trails are open from 4 a.m. to 10 p.m. Trail maps in English and Spanish are available online. Self-guided tours are also available through an app.

The Welcome Center is open Monday through Saturday 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. You can pick up a trail maps, program guides, pocket guides, and other informational brochures about native Illinois prairie species and more. Staff can answer questions about bison, trails, and upcoming programs.

All year long

Welcome Center - 30239 S. State Route 53, Wilmington, IL 60481
(815) 423 - 6370


The Dr. William M. Zales Arboretum - Joliet Junior College Main Campus

An arboretum is a place where woody plants, trees, shrubs, and vines are grown for exhibition and study. The 11-acre Joliet Junior College Arboretum was started in 1975.

1215 Houbolt Road, Joliet IL, 60431



The Morton Arboretum

Inspires guests to appreciate, learn about, and protect trees.

4100 Illinois Route 53
Lisle, IL 60532

Open 7 a.m. to sunset
Phone: 630-968-0074


Kids Museums

Joliet Area Historical Museum & Old Joliet Prison

Exhibits are enhanced by state-of-the-art audio-visual presentations, life-size models, award-winning touch screen visuals, and even a step-in Lunar Lander Simulator.
201 Ottawa Street, Joliet, IL 60432

Naperville DuPage Children’s Museum

For 30 years, DuPage Children’s Museum has been inspiring children and their adults with experiences that encourage curiosity, discovery, and collaboration.
301 N. Washington Street, Naperville, IL 60540

Frankfort KidsWork Children Museum

Enjoy 2 floors of exciting exhibits filled with action and fun.
11 S. White Street, Frankfort IL 60423

Art & Nature


Bengtson’s Pumpkin Farm and Fall Fest

11 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. weekdays and 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. weekends and Columbus Day, through Oct. 31. More than a dozen rides and other attractions including tractor-pulled hayrides, pony rides, train ride, pig races, petting zoo, haunted barn, fun barn and “Little House on the Scary.”

13341 W. 151st St., Homer Glen
708-301- 3276 or visit www.pumpkinfarm.com


Konow’s Corn Maze

10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Mondays, closed Tuesdays, 2 to 8 p.m. Wednesdays and Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sundays. Two levels of corn mazes, animal barn, jumping pillow, train rides, hayrides, straw playground, pony rides, duck races, special events.

6849 S. Cedar Road, Homer Glen
708-301-8845 or visit www.konowscornmaze.com


Bronkberry Farms

9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. Hayride being pulled by 1940s tractor, pumpkin patch and prepicked apples, caramel apples, gourds, straw bales, corn stalks, mums, fall planters and Halloween decorations for sale.

18061 S. Bronk Road, Plainfield
815-436-6967 or visit www.bronkberryfarms.com


Dollinger Family Farm

10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. through Oct. 30. Pumpkin farm, corn maze, corn bin, bee farm, farm animals and play areas (huge hay piles, pirate ship, “conquer the castle,” sandbox, Hobbit Hole, tunnel). On weekends: train rides, hayrides, face painting, Native American exhibits.

7420 E. Hansel Road, Channahon
815-467-4698 or visit www.dollingerfarms.com


Heap's Giant Pumpkin Farm

10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., through Oct. 31. Animals, corn maze, soybean maze, Milo’s Castle and Pirate Ship Playground, Heaps O’ Fun Straw Barn, hayride (weekends only) and U-Pick Pumpkin Patch (weekends only, pumpkins purchased separately). General store, concession stand, special events.

4853 U.S. Highway 52, Minooka
815-651-7288 or visit www.heapsgiantpumpkinfarm.com


Johansen Farms

10 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Fridays and 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. weekends, through Oct. 31. Petting zoo, baby chicks to hold, pony rides (October weekends only), hayrides, train rides, air-slides, toddler area, corn maze, pumpkin patch, apple cider doughnuts, open market area.

710 W. Boughton Road, Bolingbrook
630-759-8711 or visit www.johansenfarms.com


County Line Orchard

Enjoy apple picking and fall activities. Fun for the whole family! Open August 31. Kids area with a train ride, play area, and animals, corn maze, observation bee hives, tractor rides to the u-pick apple trees, and gift shop. Call for information.

200 S County Line Rd
Hobart, IN 46342
(219) 947-4477


Heap's Sunflower Harvest Family Farm in Minooka

Hang out with farm animals. Corn maze challenge, hay ride, 25 acre pumpkin patch, playground fun barn and of course Linda Kay's Craft Shop and tasty treats and burgers. Opening Sunflower Harvest in late August, 10am to 7pm. $12 per person. Call for details.

4853 US Highway 52  - about 8 miles west of I-55
Minooka, IL 60447
(815) 651-7288


Siegel's Cottonwood Farm in Lockport

10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily through Halloween. Pumpkins you can pick off the vine, hay-rack ride, farm animals, one-room schoolhouse, mountain slide (weekends and Columbus Day only), nanny goat roadhouse, “wall ball of fun,” straw mountain, games and other activities, food and drink to buy. Play over 35 attractions. Country Store, Fresh Baked Pies, Sweet Corn, Fresh Produce, Group Outings, Barn Weddings, Pumpkin Fest and Statesville Haunted Prison, Christmas Trees. Facebook page.

17250 Weber Road
Lockport, Illinois 60441


Hidden Oaks Nature Center in Bolingbrook

Hidden Oaks Conservation area ensures that visitors of all ages and backgrounds have opportunities to connect with nature.

419 Trout Farm Road
Bolingbrook, IL


Children’s Garden Project of Elwood

Enlightening and educational experience for the young and the young at heart who enjoy nature and gardening. A nice drive from New Lenox, Manhattan, Frankfort along Laraway Road.

801 N. Chicago Avenue
Elwood, IL 60421


Sunflower Patch. Fruit, vegetables and Pumpkins! Birthdays events. Facebook page.



PDM Kids Activities

“What is success? It is a toy balloon among children armed with pins.” - Gene Fowler (1890 – 1960)

Kids Scavenger Hunt - Printable

Scavenger hunts bring excitement to favorite traditions. Print a wide range of scavenger hunts from visiting a pumpkin patch to football game or visiting an orchid, nature walks, thanksgiving and more.
A scavenger hunt lets everyone look for hidden treasures. Just print the scavenger hunt sheet. Reuse it by laminating or putting it into a page protector. Then, head outside to hunt and every time you find a mystery, check it off the list.

PDM Kids Lorax Activity Book  

ENERGY STAR's Lorax Activity book is full of games and tips for learning about protecting the environment.

PDM Kids Lorax Coloring Book

Kids can have fun coloring ENERGY STAR's Lorax Coloring book and learn about protecting the environment at the same time.

PDM Kids Activity Book: Discover Your Changing World With NOAA.

Ten activities to introduce you to the Essential Principles of Climate Science. Learn about Earth's climate system, the factors that drive and change it, the impacts of those changes, and what you can do to explore, understand, and protect our Earth. Great for Middle to High School.

PDM Kids Word Search

DIY Air Conditioners

Learn About Energy with Games

Water Crossword Puzzle

Joliet Chamber of Commerce Logo
Herald News Best of Will County 2024 Readers Choice Awards
Silver Cross Citizen Award 1